Leadership Council
The Leadership Council is a group of at least 24 individuals from Partner organizations, nominated by the Governance Committee, with equal representation from Virginia and Tennessee, a balance of sector and geographic diversity, and diverse backgrounds and interests. In addition to Partner organization representatives, each backbone organization has an ex-officio, voting representative.
The Leadership Council serves as the governing body for the STRONG ACC. It reviews and approves all STRONG ACC plans, strategies, policies, and finances. It also authorizes and appoints all standing committees, steering committees, and other structures it may choose.

Patrick Brunty
Washington County VA Department of Social Services
Claudia Byrd
Speedway Children’s Charities
Dr. Dennis Carter – CHAIR
Smyth County Public Schools
Dr. Andi Clements
Uplift Appalachia
Dr. Nancy Dishner
Niswonger Foundation
Jennifer Ellison
Cocke County Cradle to Career Coalition
Margaret Feierabend
Appalachian Promise Alliance
Kristie Hammonds – VICE CHAIR
Frontier Health
Dr. Meagan Helmick
Mount Rogers Health District
Dr. Donna Henry
University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Victoria Hewlett
Appalachian Opportunity Fund
Marty Holliday
New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board
Dr. Paula Masters (backbone partner – ex officio)
Ballad Health
Sean McMurray
Wellspring Foundation of Southwest Virginia
Dan Minahan
Crutchfield Corporation
Dr. Linda Nelms
Walters State Community College
Erika Phillips
Hawkins County School System
Beth Rhinehart
Bristol Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Karen Schetzina
ETSU Pediatrics
Kiran Singh Sirah
Chase Stewart
Communities in Schools of the Appalachian Highlands
Dr. Teresa Tyson
The Health Wagon
Kathy Waugh
Dr. Kris Westover
Mountain Empire Community College
Tammy Wilson
TN Voices