Our Vision for No Wrong Door
Every door in the region’s healthcare and human services systems should be the right door, with a range of services accessible to everyone from multiple points of entry.

Thanks to our partnership with Unite Us, we have a coordinated care network improving inter-agency coordination of services, better addressing the social drivers of health, and enabling us to track not only the outcomes of referrals, but the clients’ goal fulfillment as well.
What is a coordinated care network?
A coordinated care network is a group of health and social care providers connected through Unite Us’ shared technology platform to work together in real time to support the complex needs of local individuals and families. The network contains partners who provide a broad range of services such as housing, employment, food assistance, behavioral health, utilities, and more. The network also creates a community-wide data set to better understand the needs of community members and gaps in service availability to address those needs.
Network partners can:
- Easily refer and connect their clients to local services they need in the community.
- Improve their clients’ health and well-being through strengthened collaboration with partners offering a wide array of services.
- Track the outcomes of all referrals and services delivered for their clients.
- Measure the impact of their organization and the services they deliver.
- Improve organizational capacity through accurate referrals and access to a wealth of data on local service delivery.
Key Unite Us Metrics
Organizations on
on Platform
Programs Open for Referrals
Referrals sent in Region